Thursday, 24 July 2014

The Colour Run 2014

The 20th of July brought with it another new first for me- my first ever fun run! The Colour Run is a 5 kilometre run (about 3 miles) which took place around the Stadium of Light in Sunderland and aims to make each and every runner as colourful as possible by the end of it! At each kilometre of the course, a different colour station is set up where the lovely race volunteers did their best to completely cover you in powdered paint and trust me, they certainly did their jobs!

The run started at 11am and sent various waves of runners off every few minutes to avoid too many people being in the starting chute at once. As a group of ten, we were running to raise money for a little three year old girl with cystic fibrosis who needs a high frequency chest wall oscillation vest (HFCWO) to help towards her physiotherapy to keep her lungs clear, which costs £7000. 

There we are before the race looking lovely and clean, not that it lasted for long! Admittedly, I only ran about half of the course and then walked the rest as I didn't do anywhere near enough training, but I'm quite proud that I managed that! 

The picture above doesn't quite show it as well as I'd wanted to but oh my, we were certainly colourful! As you crossed the finish line, you were handed your own pack of paint which you could use for the designated colour throws which happened every 15 minutes to welcome new runners across the line. There was a great DJ playing some great music on stage so it really felt like there was a festival atmosphere, it was incredible!

This is my favourite picture from the day which Daniel took, it looks so incredible with all the paint in the air after the colour throw! It was such an amazing experience, I definitely want to do it again if it comes back to the region, hopefully I'll manage to run the whole thing next time! I'm not sure yet how much we've raised but I'll be sure to tell everyone when we've added it all up!

Have any of you ever done the Colour Run or something similar?



  1. I'm not into running but this looks like so much fun! Would love to do it! :) x

    1. It's absolutely great, loads of people walked it! You should give it a go :) x

  2. I haven't done anything quite like this, but I have heard of it before! Sounds like you had a good time. Looking forward to more posts! If you had a moment could you check out my blog!
    I also just followed you on Bloglovin', if you could do the same!

    1. It's so much fun, I'd recommend it to everyone! Of course I can :) x

  3. Aw it looks amazing. Like I'm not quite into running, more into riding a bike, because for sure I wouldn't run 3 miles, but for this photos and experience I would totally run. Very colorful, haha :)

    Mary x
